On November 20th, 1999. Was the saddest and most horrifying experience for the Land and People of ODI... For the land was intoxicated with the blood of its residence.. Two weeks before the horrifying incidence, A Conel of the Nigerian Army, Accompanied by two junior military officers, two DSS, and Two Mobile Police Officers, were sent to ODI, Why? To arrest an ordinary local Lamptan suspected Thief. Unfortunately for them, that day coincidentally happened to be a day set aside for a ritual procession, to cleans the land. And prior to that day, Town cryers were instructed to inform residence about the procession, with a strict warning that no foreigner should be found outside . It was during the cleansing led by late Daddy Ken Niwegha of Blessed Memories, that these security personnels came for the arrest. So when they were found, it was like an abomination and desecration of the laws of the land.. But come to think of it, why will high profiled security personnels be sent ...
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